Zachariah, N., Singh, S., Murthy, T.G., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Bi-layered architecture facilitates high strength and ventilation in nest mounds of fungus-farming termites.
Scientific Reports.
Vincent Van Gogh and bees
Borges, R.M. (2006).
Pictures at an exhibition: bees view Van Gogh’s sunflowers.
Journal of Biosciences 31:503–505.
Somanathan, H., Krishna, S., Jos, E. M., Gowda, V., Kelber, A., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Nocturnal Bees Feed on Diurnal Leftovers and Pay the Price of Day – Night Lifestyle Transition.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Borges, R.M. (2018).
Dark matters: challenges of nocturnal communication between plants and animals in delivery of pollination services.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 91: 33–42.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2017).
Visual adaptations for mate detection in the male carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa.
PLoS One 12:e0168452.
Somanathan, H.S., Warrant, E.J., Borges, R.M., Wallén, R., Kelber, A. (2009).
Resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the Asian honeybees Apis florae, Apis cerana and Apis dorsata.
Journal of Experimental Biology 212:2448–2453.
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Organic evolution.
Chapter 2, Pages 41–78 In: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, volume XII Part 6: Life and Organicism, edited by NS Rangaswamy. Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Nocturnal bees learn landmark colours in starlight.
Current Biology 18:R996–997.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees I: Light intensities and flight activity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194:97–107.
Borges, R.M. (2006).
Pictures at an exhibition: bees view Van Gogh’s sunflowers.
Journal of Biosciences 31:503–505.
Visual Ecology
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2017).
Visual adaptations for mate detection in the male carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa.
PLoS One 12:e0168452.
Somanathan, H.S., Warrant, E.J., Borges, R.M., Wallén, R., Kelber, A. (2009).
Resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the Asian honeybees Apis florae, Apis cerana and Apis dorsata.
Journal of Experimental Biology 212:2448–2453.
Bhaskara, R.M., Brijesh, C.M., Ahmed, S., Borges R.M. (2009).
Perception of ultraviolet by crab spiders and its role in selection of hunting sites.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:409–417.
Somanathan, H.S., Kelber, A., Borges, R.M., Wallén, R., Warrant E.J. (2009).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees II: adaptations of eyes and ocelli to diurnal and nocturnal lifestyles.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:571–583.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Nocturnal bees learn landmark colours in starlight.
Current Biology 18:R996–997.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees I: Light intensities and flight activity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194:97–107.
Borges, R.M. (2006).
Pictures at an exhibition: bees view Van Gogh’s sunflowers.
Journal of Biosciences 31:503–505.
Borges, R.M., Gowda, V., Zacharias, M. (2003).
Butterfly pollination and high- contrast visual signals in a low-density distylous plant.
Oecologia 136:571–573.
Banerjee, R.P., Borges, R.M., Barik, S.K., Singh, P.P. and Agrawal, M. (2021).
Exploring the plant–aphid–ant interaction.
i wonder. 6:41–45.
Gupta, S., Kumble, A.L.K., Dey, K., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R. M. (2021).
The scent of life: phoretic nematodes use wasp volatiles and carbon dioxide to choose functional vehicles for dispersal.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 47:139–152.
Gupta, S., & Borges, R. M. (2020).
Hopping on: Conspecific traveller density within a vehicle regulates parasitic hitchhiking between ephemeral microcosms.
Journal of Animal Ecology.
Borges, R.M. (2018).
The galling truth: limited knowledge of gall-associated volatiles in multitrophic interactions.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1130.
Yadav, P., Desireddy, S., Kasinathan, S., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R.M. (2018).
History matters: oviposition resource acceptance in an exploiter of a nursery pollination mutualism.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:18–28.
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Desireddy, S., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Fungus-farming termites selectively bury weedy fungi that smell different from crop fungi.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 43:986–995.
Borges, R.M. (2016).
On the air: broadcasting and reception of volatile messages in brood-site pollination mutualisms.
Pages 227–255 In Deciphering Chemical Language of Plant Communication (James D Blande, Robert Glinwood, Editors), Springer International Publishing.
Borges, R. M. (2015).
Fruit and seed volatiles: Multiple stage settings, actors and props in an evolutionary play.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 95:93–104[Special issue on Plant Volatiles: R.M. Borges was Guest Editor].
Krishnan, A., Joshi, K.A., Abraham, A., Ayyub, S., Lahiry, M., Mukherjee, R., Javadekar, S.M., Narayan, V., Borges, R.M. (2013).
Finding hidden females in a crowd: Mate recognition in fig wasps.
Acta Oecologica 57:80–87.
Borges, R.M., Bessière, J-M, Ranganathan, Y. (2013).
Diel variation in fig volatiles across syconium development: making sense of scents.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 39:630–642.
Borges, R.M., Ranganathan, Y., Krishnan, A., Ghara, M., Pramanik, G. (2011).
When should fig fruit produce volatiles? Pattern in a ripening process.
Acta Oecologica 37:611–618.
Ranganathan, Y., Borges, R.M. (2011).
To transform or not to transform: that is the dilemma in the statistical analysis of plant volatiles.
Plant Signaling & Behaviour 6:113–116 [Invited paper].
Krishnan, A., Muralidharan, S., Sharma, L., Borges, R.M. (2010).
A hitchhiker’s guide to a crowded syconium: how do fig nematodes find the right ride?
Functional Ecology 24:741–749.
Ranganathan, Y., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Reducing the babel in plant volatile communication: Using the forest to see the trees.
Plant Biology 12:735–742.
Ranganathan, Y., Borges, R.M. (2009).
Predatory and trophobiont-tending ants respond differently to fig and fig wasp volatiles.
Animal Behaviour 77:1539–1545.
Borges, R.M., Bessière, J-M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2008).
The chemical ecology of seed dispersal in monoecious and dioecious figs.
Functional Ecology 22:484–493.
Proffit, M., Schatz, B., Borges, R.M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2007).
Chemical mediation and resource partitioning in non-pollinating fig wasp communities.
Journal of Animal Ecology 76:296–303.