Indirect mutalism

Schatz, B., Proffit, M., Rakhi, B.V, Borges, R.M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2006).
Complex interactions on fig trees: ants capturing parasitic wasps as possible indirect mutualists of the fig/fig wasp interaction.
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Insect flight

Gupta, S., Kumble, A.L.K., Dey, K., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R. M. (2021).
The scent of life: phoretic nematodes use wasp volatiles and carbon dioxide to choose functional vehicles for dispersal.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 47:139–152.

Gupta, S., & Borges, R. M. (2020).
Hopping on: Conspecific traveller density within a vehicle regulates parasitic hitchhiking between ephemeral microcosms.
Journal of Animal Ecology.

Gupta, S., Borges, R.M. (2019).
Density‐dependent fitness effects stabilize parasitic hitchhiking within a mutualism.
Functional Ecology 33:2304–2315.

Venkateswaran, V., Kumble, A.L., Borges, R.M. (2018).
Resource dispersion influences dispersal evolution of highly insulated insect communities.
Biology Letters 14:20180111.

Venkateswaran, V., Shrivastava, A., Kumble, A.L., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Life-history strategy, resource dispersion and phylogenetic associations shape dispersal of a fig wasp community.
Movement Ecology 5:25.

Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees I: Light intensities and flight activity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194:97–107.

Inter Simple Sequence Repeats

Dev, S.A., Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Genetic and clonal diversity of the endemic ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) in the Western Ghats of India.
Journal of Biosciences 35:267–279.