Sacred groves
Borges, R.M. (2011).
The sacred in forests, trees and seeds: boon or bane of ecosystem services?
Invited Book Chapter In: Anthropology, Nutrition and Wildlife Conservation (Editors: Edmond Dounias, Igor de Garine and Valérie de Garine), Publisher: Estudios del Hombre, University of Guadalajara (Mexico).
Borges, R.M. (1998).
One size does not fit all (caveats for conservation from the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary).
Seminar 466:31–36 (Special issue on Indian wildlife).
Safety factor
Zachariah, N., Singh, S., Murthy, T.G., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Bi-layered architecture facilitates high strength and ventilation in nest mounds of fungus-farming termites.
Scientific Reports.
Kandasami, R.K., Borges, R.M., Murthy, T.G. (2016).
Effect of biocementation on the strength and stability of termite mounds.
Environmental Geotechnics 3:99–113.
Gupta, S., Borges, R.M. (2019).
Density‐dependent fitness effects stabilize parasitic hitchhiking within a mutualism.
Functional Ecology 33:2304–2315.
Scientific Method
Borges, R.M. (2022).
Reproducibility and replicability in science: A Sisyphean task.
Journal of Biosciences. 47(1):1–3.
Seasonal variation
Krishnan, A., Pramanik, G. K., Revadi, S. V., Venkateswaran, V., Borges, R.M. (2014).
High temperatures result in smaller nurseries which lower reproduction of pollinators and parasites in a brood site pollination mutualism.
PLOS ONE 9: e115118.
Seed Dispersal
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Of pungency, pain and naked mole rats: chili peppers revisited.
Journal of Biosciences 34:349–351.
Seed eaters
Borges, R. M. (2015).
How to be a fig wasp parasite on the fig–fig wasp mutualism.
Current Opinion in Insect Science 8:34–40.
Selfish Gene
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.
Seminar Proceedings
Borges, R.M. (1997).
Ethics and evolution: Thomas Henry Huxley and the problem of evil.
Pages 61–66 In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Bioethics. Indian Perspectives. Organised by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research and the Department of Philosophy, Goa University.
Sensory Ecology
Somanathan, H., Krishna, S., Jos, E. M., Gowda, V., Kelber, A., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Nocturnal Bees Feed on Diurnal Leftovers and Pay the Price of Day – Night Lifestyle Transition.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Borges, R.M. (2018).
Dark matters: challenges of nocturnal communication between plants and animals in delivery of pollination services.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 91: 33–42.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2017).
Visual adaptations for mate detection in the male carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa.
PLoS One 12:e0168452.
Borges, R.M., Somanathan, H., Kelber, A. (2016).
Patterns and processes in nocturnal and crepuscular pollination.
Quarterly Review of Biology 91:389–418.
Borges, R. M. (2015).
Fruit and seed volatiles: Multiple stage settings, actors and props in an evolutionary play.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 95:93–104[Special issue on Plant Volatiles: R.M. Borges was Guest Editor].
Somanathan, H.S., Warrant, E.J., Borges, R.M., Wallén, R., Kelber, A. (2009).
Resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the Asian honeybees Apis florae, Apis cerana and Apis dorsata.
Journal of Experimental Biology 212:2448–2453.
Bhaskara, R.M., Brijesh, C.M., Ahmed, S., Borges R.M. (2009).
Perception of ultraviolet by crab spiders and its role in selection of hunting sites.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:409–417.
Somanathan, H.S., Kelber, A., Borges, R.M., Wallén, R., Warrant E.J. (2009).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees II: adaptations of eyes and ocelli to diurnal and nocturnal lifestyles.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:571–583.
Borges, R.M. (2008).
Plasticity comparisons between plants and animals: concepts and mechanisms.
Plant Signaling and Behavior 3: 367–375 [Invited Review].
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Nocturnal bees learn landmark colours in starlight.
Current Biology 18:R996–997.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2008).
Visual ecology of Indian carpenter bees I: Light intensities and flight activity.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194:97–107.
Borges, R.M. (2006).
Pictures at an exhibition: bees view Van Gogh’s sunflowers.
Journal of Biosciences 31:503–505.
Borges, R.M., Gowda, V., Zacharias, M. (2003).
Butterfly pollination and high- contrast visual signals in a low-density distylous plant.
Oecologia 136:571–573.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R. M. (2001).
Nocturnal pollination by the carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa (Apidae) and the effect of floral display on fruit set of Heterophragma quadriloculare (Bignoniaceae) in India.
Biotropica 33:78–89.
Sex ratio
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M. (2000).
Influence of exploitation on population structure, plant spacing and reproductive success in dioecious tree species within a fragmented cloud forest in India.
Biological Conservation 94:243–256.
Sexual differences
Borges, R.M., Bessière, J-M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2008).
The chemical ecology of seed dispersal in monoecious and dioecious figs.
Functional Ecology 22:484–493.
Borges, R.M. (1992).
A nutritional analysis of foraging in the Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47:1–21.
Borges, R. M. (1990).
Sexual and site differences in calcium consumption by the Malabar Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica.
Oecologia 85:80–86.
Sexual dimorphism
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Warrant, E.J., Kelber, A. (2017).
Visual adaptations for mate detection in the male carpenter bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa.
PLoS One 12:e0168452.
Hossaert-McKey, M., Proffit, M., Soler, C.C.L., Chen, C., Bessière, J.-M., Schatz, B., Borges, R.M. (2016).
How to be a dioecious fig: Chemical mimicry between sexes matters only when both sexes flower synchronously.
Nature Scientific Reports 6:21236.
Sexual reproduction
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Sex and diversity: the mutualistic and parasitic fungi of a fungus-growing termite differ in genetic diversity and reproductive strategy.
Fungal Ecology 26:20–27.
Borges, R.M. (2011).
Living long or dying young in plants and animals: ecological patterns and evolutionary processes.
Invited Book Chapter. Pages 61–82 In: The Field of Biological Aging: Past, Present and Future (Editor: Abdullah Olgun), Publisher: Research Signpost.
Dev, S.A., Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Genetic and clonal diversity of the endemic ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) in the Western Ghats of India.
Journal of Biosciences 35:267–279.
Borges, R.M. (1998).
Clonal versus sexual fish–who wins?
Journal of Biosciences 23:166-167.
Sexual selection
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Organic evolution.
Chapter 2, Pages 41–78 In: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, volume XII Part 6: Life and Organicism, edited by NS Rangaswamy. Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.
Borges, R.M. (2000).
How asymmetrical before it’s asymmetrical?.
Journal of Biosciences 25:121–122.
Borges, R.M. (1998).
Clonal versus sexual fish–who wins?
Journal of Biosciences 23:166-167.
Borges, R.M. (1997).
Evolution – the story of life.
National Council for Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Borges, R.M. and Rao, M.K. (2014).
The biology of giant squirrels: A census manual.
Maharashtra Forest Department. In Marathi (translated from English).
Borges, R.M. (2018).
Dark matters: challenges of nocturnal communication between plants and animals in delivery of pollination services.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 91: 33–42.
Borges, R. M. (2015).
Fruit and seed volatiles: Multiple stage settings, actors and props in an evolutionary play.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 95:93–104[Special issue on Plant Volatiles: R.M. Borges was Guest Editor].
Borges, R.M. (2008).
Plasticity comparisons between plants and animals: concepts and mechanisms.
Plant Signaling and Behavior 3: 367–375 [Invited Review].
Slope stability
Kandasami, R.K., Borges, R.M., Murthy, T.G. (2016).
Effect of biocementation on the strength and stability of termite mounds.
Environmental Geotechnics 3:99–113.
Borges, R.M. (2011).
Living long or dying young in plants and animals: ecological patterns and evolutionary processes.
Invited Book Chapter. Pages 61–82 In: The Field of Biological Aging: Past, Present and Future (Editor: Abdullah Olgun), Publisher: Research Signpost.
Zachariah, N., Murthy, T.G., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Moisture alone is sufficient to impart strength but not weathering resistance to termite mound soil.
Royal Society Open Science 7:200485.
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Desireddy, S., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Fungus-farming termites selectively bury weedy fungi that smell different from crop fungi.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 43:986–995.
Zachariah, N., Das, A., Murthy, T.G., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Building mud castles: perspectives from brick-laying termites.
Scientific Reports (Nature).
Kandasami, R.K., Borges, R.M., Murthy, T.G. (2016).
Effect of biocementation on the strength and stability of termite mounds.
Environmental Geotechnics 3:99–113.
Spatial Genetic Structure
Dev, S.A., Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Genetic and clonal diversity of the endemic ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) in the Western Ghats of India.
Journal of Biosciences 35:267–279.
Spatial variation
Chanam, J., Kasinathan, S., Pramanik, G.K., Jagdeesh, A., Joshi, K.A., Borges, R.M. (2014).
Context dependency of rewards and services in an Indian ant– plant interaction: southern sites favour the mutualism between plants and ants.
Journal of Tropical Ecology 30:219–229.
Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Geographical variation in an ant–plant interaction correlates with domatia occupancy, local ant diversity and interlopers.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100:538–551.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M. (2000).
Influence of exploitation on population structure, plant spacing and reproductive success in dioecious tree species within a fragmented cloud forest in India.
Biological Conservation 94:243–256.
Borges, R.M., Ahmed, S., Prabhu, V. (2007).
Male ant-mimicking salticid spiders choose between retreat silks of sympatric females: implications for pre-mating reproductive isolation.
Journal of Insect Behavior 20:389–402.
Species specificity
Borges, R.M., Bessière, J-M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2008).
The chemical ecology of seed dispersal in monoecious and dioecious figs.
Functional Ecology 22:484–493.
Spectral reflectance
Borges, R.M., Gowda, V., Zacharias, M. (2003).
Butterfly pollination and high- contrast visual signals in a low-density distylous plant.
Oecologia 136:571–573.
Borges, R.M. (2010).
Book review of: Spiders of India.
PA Sebastian and KV Peters (eds). Current Science 98:436–437.
Bhaskara, R.M., Brijesh, C.M., Ahmed, S., Borges R.M. (2009).
Perception of ultraviolet by crab spiders and its role in selection of hunting sites.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195:409–417.
Borges, R.M., Ahmed, S., Prabhu, V. (2007).
Male ant-mimicking salticid spiders choose between retreat silks of sympatric females: implications for pre-mating reproductive isolation.
Journal of Insect Behavior 20:389–402.
Squirrel–Plant interaction
Somanathan, H., Mali, S., Borges, R.M. (2007).
Arboreal larder-hoarding in the tropical Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica.
Ecoscience 14:165–169.
Stable isotope analysis
Chanam, J., Sheshshayee, M.S., Kasinathan, S., Jagdeesh, A., Joshi, K.A., Borges, R.M. (2014).
Nutritional benefits from domatia inhabitants in an ant–plant interaction: interlopers do pay the rent.
Functional Ecology 28:1107–1116 [Paper was featured in New Scientist].
Stephen Jay Gould
Borges, R.M. (2002).
Stephen Jay Gould: A view of life.
1941–2002 Resonance 7:2–5.
Zachariah, N., Singh, S., Murthy, T.G., Borges, R.M. (2020).
Bi-layered architecture facilitates high strength and ventilation in nest mounds of fungus-farming termites.
Scientific Reports.
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Sharma, A., Borges, R.M. (2018).
Local hypoxia generated by live burial is effective in weed control in termite fungus farms.
Insectes Sociaux 65:561–569.
Yadav, P., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Host–parastioid development and survival strategies in a non-pollinating fig wasp community.
Acta Oecologica.
Survival startegies
Yadav, P., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Host–parastioid development and survival strategies in a non-pollinating fig wasp community.
Acta Oecologica.
Survivorship curves
Ghara, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Comparative life-history traits in a fig wasp community: implications for community structure.
Ecological Entomology 35:139–148.
Syconium surface hydrocarbons
Yadav, P., Desireddy, S., Kasinathan, S., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R.M. (2018).
History matters: oviposition resource acceptance in an exploiter of a nursery pollination mutualism.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:18–28.
Symbiont community membership
Venkateshwaran, V. & Borges, R.M. (2021).
Staying in the club: Exploring criteria governing metacommunity membership for obligate symbionts under host–symbiont feedback.
Journal of Theoretical Biology. 510:110512.
Venkateshwaran, V. & Borges, R.M. (2021).
Staying in the club: Exploring criteria governing metacommunity membership for obligate symbionts under host–symbiont feedback.
Journal of Theoretical Biology. 510:110512.
Borges, R.M. (2017).
Co-niche construction between hosts and symbionts: ideas and evidence.
Journal of Genetics 96:483–489. [Invited paper for Special Issue on Evolutionary Biology].
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Organic evolution.
Chapter 2, Pages 41–78 In: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, volume XII Part 6: Life and Organicism, edited by NS Rangaswamy. Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.