Rain Forests
Borges, R.M. (2003).
Conservation of pollinator services in rain forests.
Chapter 16, Pages 229–242 In: Conservation of Rainforests in India (A. K. Gupta, A. Kumar and V. Ramakantha, editors). ENVIS Publication, Wildlife Institute of India.
Random Forests
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Desireddy, S., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Fungus-farming termites selectively bury weedy fungi that smell different from crop fungi.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 43:986–995.
Ranganathan, Y., Bessiere, J. M., Borges, R. M. (2015).
A coat of many scents: cuticular hydrocarbons in multitrophic interactions of fig wasps with ants.
Acta Oecologica, 67:24–33.
Ranganathan, Y., Borges, R.M. (2011).
To transform or not to transform: that is the dilemma in the statistical analysis of plant volatiles.
Plant Signaling & Behaviour 6:113–116 [Invited paper].
Ranganathan, Y., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Reducing the babel in plant volatile communication: Using the forest to see the trees.
Plant Biology 12:735–742.
Random walk
Prasad, B.R.G., Borges, R.M. (2006).
Searching on patch networks using correlated random walks: Space usage and optimal foraging predictions using Markov chain models.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 240:241–249.
Ratufa indica
Borges, R. M. (2015).
The Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica.
Pages 483–500 In: Mammals of South Asia. Volume 2 (A.J.T. Johnsingh and N. Manjrekar, editors). Universities Press, Hyderabad.
Borges, R.M. (2008).
Why are there so many giants, including giant squirrels, in the Old World tropics?
Current Science 95:866–970 [Invited paper in Special Section on Arboreal Squirrels].
Somanathan, H., Mali, S., Borges, R.M. (2007).
Arboreal larder-hoarding in the tropical Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica.
Ecoscience 14:165–169.
Borges, R.M. (1993).
Figs and Malabar Giant Squirrels in two tropical forests in India.
Biotropica 25:183–190.
Borges, R.M. (1992).
A nutritional analysis of foraging in the Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47:1–21.
Borges, R. M. (1990).
Sexual and site differences in calcium consumption by the Malabar Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica.
Oecologia 85:80–86.
Borges, R.M. (1986).
Possible play between the Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica indica) and the Common Langur (Presbytis entellus).
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 83:197.
Borges, R.M. (1986).
Predation attempt by the black eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis perniger) on the Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica elphinstonei).
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 83 (Suppl.): 203.
Reciprocal altruism
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Organic evolution.
Chapter 2, Pages 41–78 In: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, volume XII Part 6: Life and Organicism, edited by NS Rangaswamy. Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.
Borges, R.M. (1998).
Leviathan, natural selection, and ethics.
Current Science 74:750–758.
Red King effect
Borges, R.M. (2015)
ow mutualisms between plants and insects are stabilized.
Current Science 108:1862–1868. [Special issue on Evolutionary Biology in honour of death centenary of Alfred Russel Wallace].
Red queen hypothesis
Borges, R.M. (2015)
How mutualisms between plants and insects are stabilized.
Current Science 108:1862–1868. [Special issue on Evolutionary Biology in honour of death centenary of Alfred Russel Wallace].
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.
Borges, R.M. (2001).
Ant and human farmers face similar problems.
Journal of Biosciences 26:121–124.
Relative humidity
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Dynamic environments of fungus‐farming termite mounds exert growth‐modulating effects on fungal crop parasites.
Environmental Microbiology.
Renee M. Borges
Borges, R.M. (2009).
The excitement of colours and scents.
Pages 59–62 In: Lilavati’s Daughters (eds: Rohini Godbole & Ram Ramaswamy), Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Sex and diversity: the mutualistic and parasitic fungi of a fungus-growing termite differ in genetic diversity and reproductive strategy.
Fungal Ecology 26:20–27.
Borges, R.M. (2011).
Living long or dying young in plants and animals: ecological patterns and evolutionary processes.
Invited Book Chapter. Pages 61–82 In: The Field of Biological Aging: Past, Present and Future (Editor: Abdullah Olgun), Publisher: Research Signpost.
Dev, S.A., Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Genetic and clonal diversity of the endemic ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) in the Western Ghats of India.
Journal of Biosciences 35:267–279.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Chakravarthy, V.S. (2004).
Does neighbourhood floral display matter? Fruit set in carpenter bee-pollinated Heterophragma quadriloculare and beetle-pollinated Lasiosiphon eriocephalus.
Biotropica 36:139–147.
Borges, R.M. (1998).
Clonal versus sexual fish–who wins?
Journal of Biosciences 23:166-167.
Reproductive Ecology
Krishnan, A., Pramanik, G. K., Revadi, S. V., Venkateswaran, V., Borges, R.M. (2014).
High temperatures result in smaller nurseries which lower reproduction of pollinators and parasites in a brood site pollination mutualism.
PLOS ONE 9: e115118.
Krishnan, A., Borges, R.M. (2014).
Parasites exert conflicting selection pressures to affect reproductive asynchrony of their host plant in an obligate pollination mutualism.
Journal of Ecology 102:1329–1340.
Reproductive isolation
Borges, R.M., Ahmed, S., Prabhu, V. (2007).
Male ant-mimicking salticid spiders choose between retreat silks of sympatric females: implications for pre-mating reproductive isolation.
Journal of Insect Behavior 20:389–402.
Reproductive strategy
Katariya, L., Ramesh, P.B., Gopalappa, T., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Sex and diversity: the mutualistic and parasitic fungi of a fungus-growing termite differ in genetic diversity and reproductive strategy.
Fungal Ecology 26:20–27.
Borges, R.M., Gowda, V., Zacharias, M. (2003).
Butterfly pollination and high- contrast visual signals in a low-density distylous plant.
Oecologia 136:571–573.
Reproductive success
Gupta, S., Kumble, A.L.K., Dey, K., Bessière, J.-M., Borges, R. M. (2021).
The scent of life: phoretic nematodes use wasp volatiles and carbon dioxide to choose functional vehicles for dispersal.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 47:139–152.
Gupta, S., & Borges, R. M. (2020).
Hopping on: Conspecific traveller density within a vehicle regulates parasitic hitchhiking between ephemeral microcosms.
Journal of Animal Ecology.
Gupta, S., Borges, R.M. (2019).
Density‐dependent fitness effects stabilize parasitic hitchhiking within a mutualism.
Functional Ecology 33:2304–2315.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M., Chakravarthy, V.S. (2004).
Does neighbourhood floral display matter? Fruit set in carpenter bee-pollinated Heterophragma quadriloculare and beetle-pollinated Lasiosiphon eriocephalus.
Biotropica 36:139–147.
Borges, R.M., Gowda, V., Zacharias, M. (2003).
Butterfly pollination and high- contrast visual signals in a low-density distylous plant.
Oecologia 136:571–573.
Somanathan, H., Borges, R.M. (2000).
Influence of exploitation on population structure, plant spacing and reproductive success in dioecious tree species within a fragmented cloud forest in India.
Biological Conservation 94:243–256.
Resident pollinator
Shenoy, M., Borges, R.M. (2008).
A novel mutualism between an ant-plant and its resident pollinator.
Naturwissenschaften 95:61–65.
Resource availability
Venkateswaran, V., Shrivastava, A., Kumble, A.L., Borges, R.M. (2017).
Life-history strategy, resource dispersion and phylogenetic associations shape dispersal of a fig wasp community.
Movement Ecology 5:25.
Resource dispersion
Venkateswaran, V., Kumble, A.L., Borges, R.M. (2018).
Resource dispersion influences dispersal evolution of highly insulated insect communities.
Biology Letters 14:20180111.
Resource partitioning
Ghara, M., Ranganathan, Y., Krishnan, A., Gowda, V., Borges R.M. (2014).
Divvying up an incubator: How parasitic and mutualistic fig wasps use space within their nursery microcosm.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 8:191–203.
Ghara, M., Kundanati, L., Borges, R.M. (2011).
Nature’s Swiss army knives: ovipositor structure mirrors ecology in a multitrophic fig wasp community.
PLOS One 6:e23642.
Ranganathan, Y., Ghara, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Temporal association in fig–wasp–ant interactions: diel and phenological patterns.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 137:50–61.
Ghara, M., Borges, R.M. (2010).
Comparative life-history traits in a fig wasp community: implications for community structure.
Ecological Entomology 35:139–148.
Proffit, M., Schatz, B., Borges, R.M., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2007).
Chemical mediation and resource partitioning in non-pollinating fig wasp communities.
Journal of Animal Ecology 76:296–303.
Resource utilization
Borges, R.M. (1992).
A nutritional analysis of foraging in the Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47:1–21.
Borges, R. M. (1990).
Sexual and site differences in calcium consumption by the Malabar Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica.
Oecologia 85:80–86.
Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.
Richard Dawkins
Borges, R.M. (2009).
Revolutions in evolutionary thought: Darwin and after.
Resonance 14:102–123.